
Friday, September 20, 2024

August Monthly Review and Biker Pages

I am very behind with my monthly review and I'm very behind on my bike pages!  Hope you enjoy the inspiration!  I love using Anna's templates for the monthly pages and now I am using her templates for my bike pages!  

August Month in Review


This titmouse looked a little rough from the rain.  8/1/24

On Thursdays during the summer Liz, Abby and I go to Save-a-Buck and Ilene joined us today.  8/1/24

Beautiful male Goldfinch watching from his perch in the tree out in the yard.  8/2/24

Went to Jen’s house to celebrate Jaxon and Kayden’s birthdays.  8/4/24

Now you see them (tomato vines) 8/5/24…..Now you don’t 8/6/24.  Mark sprayed weed killer and I didn’t want to take a chance on eating the tomatoes that grew even after being sprayed.

A beautiful morning for a walk.  8/5/24

Even this mockingbird is feeding from the birdseed column.  8/9/24

Mr. Downy Woodpecker watching for a clear path to the birdseed column.  8/13/24

A beautiful evening sky over our back yard.  8/14/24


It’s a Dairi-O kind of day.  8/16/24

How is it possible that you are 20 years old already?  I still remember you sitting on our counter eating green beans from the can as I cooked supper.  8/17/24

Stormy skies  8/19/24

I cooked pork chop sandwiches over the fire in the woods.  YUM!  8/20/24

Enjoying some time by the fire.  8/20/24

Mark installed a new screen door in the kitchen.  8/23/24

I love seeing the moon in the middle of the day.  8/23/24

It was a bit foggy on my walk this morning.  8/27/24


All by Anna Aspnes

MonthReview Template Album No 8 

ArtPlay Palette Among Friends 

ArtPlay Palette Beautiful Day 

ArtPlay Palette Meadow 

Take Flight No 3 

Blossoms No 1 

Birds No 1 

MultiMedia Flowers No 6 

Font is Arial Narrow

Photos are mine

Close-up of the Left side

Close-up of the Right side

O’er Hill and Vale


We decided to eat breakfast at the Wallburg Grill & Pizzeria.  We left the house at 9:00.  It was a bit cloudy, but the chance of rain while we were going to be out was minimal.  The restaurant is only 3 miles from the house.  So we took a chance and rode the motorcycle.

The sky was still clear enough after we ate and it felt so good to be on the bike that we took the backroads home.  Mark grew up in Wallburg, so he knows ALL of the backroads!

We traveled Gum Tree Rd. to Wallburg Rd. to Harvey Teague Rd. to Georgetown Rd. to Abbotts Creek Church Rd. to Browntown Ln. to Curry Rd. to High Point Rd. to Horneytown Rd. to Wallburg-High Point Rd. to N. Old Greensboro Rd. to Old Greensboro Rd. to Yokley Rd. to Ridge Rd. to Midway School Rd. to Concrete Works Rd. to Shady Grove Church Rd. to 109  and arriving home at 10:50.

We did run through a bit of rain, which actually felt pretty good, but for the most part we stayed dry.  8/3/24

Those big drops of rain did not keep us from continuing our ride!  It actually felt pretty good!


My self-appointed job while we are riding is to capture the scenery.  I don’t have a license to drive the motorcycle, nor do I want one!  I like having the job of being the photo journalist to document our trips.  I love taking photos of the clouds, old buildings, water, farm animals and other wild life.  I even take a few selfies every once in a while.


All by Anna Aspnes

ArtPlay Palette Meadow

Motorcycle No 1

Fonts are Arial Narrow and Shopping_Font_Script Regular (title)

Photos are mine

Close-up of the Left side

Close-up of the Right side

 Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Coming Soon!

Ethereal Woods by Joyful Heart Designs is to be released on September 30, 2024.  Her shop is found HERE

Here are some product previews and a few things I have created using them:

The colors are soooo rich!  It is a BEAUTIFUL collection!  Here are a couple of things I have done with it so far:

Into the Woods

Journaling reads:  Into the woods, It's time to go,

I hate to leave, I have to, though.

Into the woods - It's time, and so

I must begin my journey.


Ethereal Woods by Joyful Heart Designs

I layered and blended several papers to give it a dark woods feel and to tone down the leaves in the forefront!


The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.  Psalm 84:11  September 11, 2024


Ethereal Woods by Joyful Heart Designs

Be sure to mark your calendar for September 30th!

ATC Collection 20

ATCs 172 - 180 Collection 20


Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7  September 5, 2024

We get our word “hilarity” from the Greek word used here and translated as “cheerful.”


Laugh WordART No 1 by Anna Aspnes

ArtPlay Palette Joyful by Anna Aspnes


Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.  Isaiah 55:1  September 6, 2024


Brewed To Perfection by Lynne Anzelc (milk and table)
by Regina Falango
by Regina Falango


The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.  Exodus 14:14  September 7, 2024


Quiet Moments Kit by Lynne Anzelc

Brewed To Perfection by Lynne Anzelc


Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!  Psalm 107:1  September 8, 2024


Miss You In The Morning Freebie by Kitty Designs


Your faith will be like gold that has been tested in a fire. And these trials will prove that your faith is worth much more than gold that can be destroyed. They will show that you will be given praise and honor and glory when Jesus Christ returns.  1 Peter 1:7  September 9, 2024

I created the shapes that became the gold nuggets.  I clipped blend 2 from Lynne’s kit and the gold dust element.  I grouped and simplified each of the nuggets and added an inside glow.  It still didn’t look very golden, so I then clipped the fire image and settled with that for the golden nuggets.


A Pioneer Story Kit (With everything in it.) by Lorie Davison (fire and bg)

Some Kind of Wonderful Digital Art Kit by Lynne Anzelc (blend and gold dust)


Your workmanship is marvelous; how well I know it.  Psalm 139:14  September 10, 2024

We are God’s masterpiece in creation and we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image!


Pause-ability Kit by Vicki Robinson


The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.  Psalm 84:11  September 11, 2024


Ethereal Woods by Joyful Heart Designs (Available September 30, 2024)


Better is a dinner of herbs where love is rather than a fatted calf with hatred.  Proverbs 15:17  September 12, 2024


In My Kitchen Word Art by et Designs

In My Kitchen Clusters by et Designs

In My Kitchen Kit & Journal Cards by et Designs


I was hungry, and you fed me.  I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink.  I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home.  Matthew 25:35  September 13, 2024


Oh La La Kit by NLD Designs 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lookin' for Adventure and Focus AJ

Lookin’ for Adventure

While being under the weather today, I was looking at an old issue of Somerset Digital Studio (Autumn 2012) when I noticed some artwork that looked like Anna Aspnes’ products.  So I began reading the article and, sure enough, the artist was using Anna’s products.  Her gallery is here at O’Scraps.  I looked at the very first page in her gallery and decided to use it as inspiration for my page.

Journaling reads:  The saying, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” is certainly true for those of us who love to travel via motorcycle!  

Mark rarely travels a 4-lane highway if there is any way around it!  And he tries to avoid city traffic where there are lots of stop lights.  We want to be moving not standing still!  And that is especially true the warmer the temperature is!  

We enjoy taking the scenic route!  And the curvier the road the better!  If someone had told me several years ago that I would love riding a motorcycle I would have told them they were crazy!  But, here I am at 68 and loving it!  I told Mark not too long ago that as long as I could lift my leg to get on I would ride!  8/3/24


Inspiration - @casbury’s A New Adventure

All product by Anna Aspnes:

ArtPlay Palette Sunshine Bouquet

LoopDaLoop Sketchy No 2

Distressed Edge No 8 Overlays

MagicBubble Overlays No 2

Artsy Layered Template No 43

Journey WordTransfers No 1 

WarpingFrames No 1 

Fonts are American Typewriter Regular and Arial Narrow Regular

Photo is mine


Done for the Week 2 September AJ Challenge found here: 

FOCUS is the art of knowing what to IGNORE.  Does that mean we have to ignore our memories?  Can we live in the NOW but remember the PAST?  I believe we can.  After all, our memory is a gift God gave to us.  Our memories tell our story.  Memories encourage us to remember God’s faithfulness, the lessons we’ve learned, and the important events that shape our spiritual journey. When we remember the joyful and challenging moments of our past it helps us grow in wisdom and trust in God.  “This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:21-23

We have to live in the present, but we don’t have to forget the past!  “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.”  Psalm 77:11. That being said, our FOCUS for everyday living must be directed to the LORD.  Proverbs 3:6 says, “In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success,” and 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” When we put God first, we live our lives with the purpose of pleasing God, following His will for our lives and obeying His commands and the Holy Spirit's direction.


Junque Journal 02 Kit by Vicki Robinson

The crosses, etc blended into the bg came from a scan I made of some old stickers