
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Birthday Party at OScraps and Monthly Challenge

It's all happening right HERE!   And along with the store sale is a Free With $15 Purchase beautiful OScraps Designer Collab, Color Burst!

And there are games and challenges to participate in, too!  Today is Day 3! 

Today I worked one of the regular monthly challenges.

A Voice in the Weeds

I got the quote in my daily Almanac email newsletter today and immediately knew which pictures I wanted to scrap. I had to look through 3 years of photos before I found it! The next thing I did was to find a challenge to work that I could use these photos for. 

Done for the Color Palette challenge found here: 

Journaling reads:  God certainly gave this little guy the perfect camouflage for his surroundings!  4/16/21

"Just a minute," said a voice in the weeds.

So I stood still in the day's exquisite morning light 

and so I didn't crush with my great feet

any small or unusual thing just happening to pass by.

–Mary Oliver (1835–2019)


ArtPlay Palette Ocean Cove by Anna Aspnes (background, transfer)

ArtPlay Palette Oasis by Anna Aspnes (transfer, brush, foliage, twig, crochet flower)

ArtsyTransfers Evenfall by Anna Aspnes (blue button, word strip, grass, twig, transfer)

ArtPlay Palette Bespoke by Anna Aspnes (heart, daisy, word strips, blue button, dragonfly)

ArtsyTransfers Bespoke by Anna Aspnes (transfer)

Fonts are Sugar Script Regular and Arial Narrow

Photos are mine

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Birthday Party at OScraps!

It's all happening right HERE!   And along with the store sale is a Free With $15 Purchase beautiful OScraps Designer Collab, Color Burst!

And there are games and challenges to participate in, too!  Today is the official Day 1!  The first challenge is a scrap lift with a twist!  Here's the page I did for it.  Click on the link below to go to the thread in the forum to find out more about the challenge!

Done for the scrap lift challenge found here: 

My birthday is October 8:  10 + 8 = 18

I chose “Why Change?” by “gina” to scrap lift.  Here is her page:

Morning Walk

Journaling reads:  I’m trying to improve my health so I have been walking at the Union Cross park in the mornings before the day gets too hot.  I try to walk 2 miles in 40 minutes or under.  Sometimes my back doesn’t like that!  6/11/24


Nature Hike II by Karen Schulz

Fonts are Adine Kirnberg Regular and Arial Narrow

Photo is mine

Hope to see you at the party!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripture ATCs

My mojo for scrapping seems to be on vacation!  I have managed to get caught up on my daily scripture ATCs using the "One Good Word a Day" daily devotional.  Thanks for looking!


I thought of a mother hen calling her chicks to herself, rescuing them from danger.  It is when we are in a weakened state that the devil will attack.

Journaling reads:  The Lord will rescue his people when He sees that their strength is gone.  Deuteronomy 32:36  5/29/24


Its a Farm Girl Thing Kit by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.  Proverbs 18:24  5/30/24


La Mer AddON by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  He knows my sorrows, collects my tears in His bottle and records each one in His book.  Psalm 56:8  5/31/24


The Artists' Faeries (With everything in it!) by Lorie Davison 

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  We are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ.  2 Corinthians 2:15  6/1/24


Brewed to Perfection by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him.  Psalm 62:5  6/2/24


Brewed to Perfection by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised.  Proverbs 31:30  6/3/24


Brewed to Perfection by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others.  Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.  Philippians 2:3  6/4/24


Whispers of Summer by Daydream Designs

Font is Times New Roman


I remembered that music has a sustain effect.  It is indicated by the horizontal line at the top of certain notes meaning the note is to be held.  It is wonderful to know that the Lord will hold me when I am burdened.  His strength will sustain me through whatever I face in life.

Journaling reads:  Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will sustain you.  Psalm 55:22  6/5/24


Melodic Sounds by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18  6/6/24


Autumn Harvest by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman