
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Playing CatchUp

I'm a couple of weeks behind on posting my pages for the challenges, ATCs, etc.  So, grab your favorite drink, sit back and enjoy!

First up, ATC's from my daily devotional, "One Good Word a Day".  I have changed some of the verses and have even changed some of the words (in case you happen to be reading the devotional).


Journaling reads:  28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 29 so that no human being[a] might boast in the presence of God.  1 Corinthians 1:28, 29  5/2/24


Memory Lane Collection by Palvinka Designs

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.  Psalm 90:12  5/3/24


Enigma APP by Anna Aspnes

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.  Romans 12:11  5/4/24


God is with you (Full kit) by Mediterranka Design

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.  1 Peter 5:10  5/5/24

Reawakening Papers
by AFT Designs
Reawakening Alphas & Word Art
by AFT Designs
Reawakening Cluster Embellishments
by AFT Designs

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Each day the Lord pours His unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing His songs, praying to God who gives me life.  Psalm 42:8  5/6/24


Melody Flashbacks Kit by Karen Schulz
Melody Flashbacks Artsy Papers
by Karen Schulz

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.  The old life is gone; a new life has begun!  2 Corinthians 5:17  5/7/24

The red side represents being Washed in the blood of Christ!  The black side represents being Dead to the sin of the flesh!


ArtPlay Palette Magoa by Anna Aspnes

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  You are my refuge and my shield; Your word is my source of hope.  Psalm 119:114  5/8/24

The eye represents God watching over me to protect me from the enemy’s (Satan) attacks.


Renaissance Kit  by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.  1 Timothy 4:8  5/9/24


Dictionary Art Sports 01 by Karen Schulz

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Do not be deceived:  God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.  Galatians 6:7  5/10/24


Make Spring grow (tools and seeds) by Simplette 

Make Spring grow (full kit) by Simplette 

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Encourage one another.  Hebrews 10:25  May 11, 2024


La Femme by ViVa

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.  Matthew 18:20  5/12/24


God is with you (Full kit) by Mediterranka Design

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.  Ecclesiastes 7:9  5/13/24


Breathe by Vicki Robinson

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another.  Romans 12:10  5/14/24


Me & You Digital Scrapbook Kit by FeiFei Stuff 

Valentine Swirls by FeiFei Stuf

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  If anyone causes one of these little ones, those who believe in me, to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.  Matthew 18:6  5/15/24


Farmgirl Add-on by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Do not be afraid….For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.  He will neither fail you nor abandon you.  Deuteronomy 31:6  5/16/24


Farmgirl Add-on by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  James 1:5  5/17/24


Vintage Soul {Mini Kit} by Mixed Media by Erin

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  We have a Friend who sticks closer than a brother.  Proverbs 18:24  5/18/24


Farmgirl Add-on by Lynne Anzelc

Font is Times New Roman


Journaling reads:  Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7  5/19/24


SWEET HOUR THE KIT by Regina Falango

Font is Times New Roman

Now for the challenges I have completed and misc. since my last post on May 7th:

Rabbit by Georgia Roberts Durston

Done for the Storybook/Fantasy Challenge #3 found here: 

My inspiration for this page came from my walk this morning, seeing a bunny in the field just before I entered the woods.

Journaling reads:  

There once was a rabbit, who developed the habit, of twitching the end of his nose,
His brothers and sisters, and various others, said “Look at the way he goes!”
Now one clever bunny, said “That’s very funny, I’ll practice it down in the dell”
The rest said “If he can, we’re positive we can” – and they did it remarkably well.
Now all the world over, where rabbits eat clover and scribble and scratch with their toes,
There’s isn’t a rabbit, who hasn’t the habit, of twitching the end of his nose!


SWEET HOUR THE KIT by Regina Falango

Font is Times New Roman

Bird Sanctuary

Done for the Freebie Challenge #4 found here:

Journaling reads:  We had a dead tree that needed to be cut down.  Instead of cutting it all the way to the ground, we decided to cut the split trunk about 10 feet off the ground and create a bird sanctuary of sorts out of it.  Mark split one of the trunks and hollowed out an area in the front and back pieces and made a bird house out of it.  No birds have taken up residence yet, that we know of.    The plan is to add another birdhouse on top of this one to provide a roof.  Friday, 5/3/2024


Authentic Freebie by Maya de Groot

Font is Times New Roman

Photo is mine

Best Life

Done for the Seasonal Challenge #5 found here:

Journaling reads:  My favorite summer memory is anytime I get to spend time with my family!  We try to gather sometime around the Memorial Day weekend.  Last year we also celebrated the HS graduation of my oldest granddaughter, Hannah.  This year we are gathering the weekend following Memorial Day.


From My Sketchbook No.1 FREEBIE by FeiFei Stuff (Free with Purchase)

Font is Times New Roman

Photo is mine


Done for the Collab Challenge #6 found here: 

Journaling reads:   Jessica is thinking about purchasing a Jeep, so she wanted Ryan to take her for a ride in his Jeep.  Jennifer and I went along for the ride.  My hair was a mess!  5/11/24 


Dandelion Days - Oscraps Collaborative Kit 

Font is Times New Roman

Photo is mine

Beauty in Red

Done for the Template Challenge #7 found here:

Journaling reads:  I love seeing the cardinals hanging around.  They are so pretty!   5/10/24


Template by Timounette and found at the link above

ArtPlay Palette Magoa by Anna Aspnes

ArtsyTransfers Magoa by Anna Aspnes

MultiMedia Hearts No 4 by Anna Aspnes

Font is Myriad Pro

Photo is mine

Sweet Ride

Done for the “No Flowers” Member Challenge found here: 

Journaling reads:  Mother’s Day and the family visiting for the celebration had gone home after church and lunch.  So, the four of us decided, since it was a beautiful day, to ride to Dairi-O in Clemmons for some ice cream.  We spent a couple of hours talking before heading back home a little after 7 before it got too cool.  5/12/24


ArtPlay Palette Magoa by Anna Aspnes

ArtsyTransfers Magoa by Anna Aspnes

Magoa Artsy Layered Template by Anna Aspnes

MultiMedia Hearts No 4 by Anna Aspnes

Font is Arial Narrow

Photos are mine

Mother’s Day Weekend 2024


Friday, May 10, 2024

Jessica, Araya, and Jennifer arrived at Ilene’s at approximately 5:00 p.m.  Elisabeth and Brad went to a ball game Abby was play in.  Hannah wanted to hang out with us.  We were all going to meet at Ruby Tuesday for supper.  Ilene joined us and Hannah brought Ryan along.  We had a fun time.

After supper, Hannah and Ryan took Araya home with them and the rest of us came to our house.  Mark watched TV while Jessica, Jennifer, Ilene and I played Kings in the Corner.  Around 10 Elisabeth texted Jessica that the Northern Lights were visible.  We all ran outside to look.  The only thing we could see was a pinkish glow to the sky.  So we decided to chase the Northern Lights like “storm chasers”.  We ended up over by Ilene’s where there was a clearing but we still only saw the pinkish glow, except that as I was driving the others saw the flash of color at one point.  We finally went back home and Jessica, Jennifer and Ilene headed to Ilene’s for the night.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Elisabeth, Hannah, Abby, Me, Jessica, Araya, and Jennifer were going to a Mother Daughter Banquet at Elisabeth’s church at 1.  We all met early at Elisabeth’s.  We played a couple of games of Codenames before getting ready to leave for the banquet.  Brad said he was fixing supper for everyone and told me to invite Mark.  Mark was busy working outside and was already tuckered out and ended up staying home, showering and crashing on the couch.  After the banquet Ryan took Jessica, Jennifer and I for a ride in his jeep through Lexington.  When we got back Brad asked us what we wanted for supper as he was going to run to Walmart.  We really were not very hungry after the huge lunch we had at the banquet.  He ended up ordering some pork and fixings from the Smoke Pit in Salisbury.  While Hannah and Ryan drove to pick it up, Elisabeth, Jessica, Jennifer and I played more Codenames.  We played 6 games, switching up partners.  Jessica was the only one who won 6 times!  Guess she was on the right team every time! ;). It started sprinkling on the last game so we went in doors.  Hannah and Ryan returned soon after.  After supper we all left as the cloud cover and rain made it such that we were not going to get another glimpse of the Northern Lights.  Araya spent the night again with Abby.  Everyone was going to our church on Sunday.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day!  I’m so thankful my girls interrupted their weekends to spend time with me!  I loved our girls weekend!  And I loved having Jennifer, Tim’s sister, spend the weekend with us, too!  We basically grew up together since she and her family moved to KY, right down the street from us, when she was about 10 and I was almost 15.  I consider her my forever sister-in-law! <3

We had a wonderful service at church and I loved having my family with me!  We took pictures after the service and then Jessica, Araya and Jennifer changed clothes for the trip home.  Elisabeth and Brad had lots of pork left to eat, so we all went our separate ways after the services.  It was a wonderful weekend!  Thank you, Ilene, for allowing my family to spend the nights at your house!


MonthReview Template No 10 by Anna Aspnes

Family WordART No 1 by Anna Aspnes

Family WordART No 2 by Anna Aspnes 

ArtPlay Palette Magoa by Anna Aspnes

ArtsyTransfers Magoa by Anna Aspnes

MultiMedia Hearts No 4 by Anna Aspnes

Font is Arial Narrow and Times New Roman

Photos are mine


OK, I think I am caught up now!  Thanks for stopping by!

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