
Saturday, October 5, 2024

Embraced by Grace Art Journal Page

Embraced by Grace

Done for the Art Journal Challenge Week 1 found here: 

Acceptance: To embrace is to accept someone or something wholeheartedly, flaws and all. It speaks to the idea of welcoming someone into your life without reservation, often signifying emotional warmth and unconditional support.  This is exactly what God did for me!  Thank You, Lord!

Journaling reads:  God chose me to be His child.  I did not, nor would I have ever chosen Him in my sin.  So being embraced by His grace is extra special because I know I don’t deserve His love.  Because of His embrace, because of His grace, I have been “accepted in the beloved.”  God doesn't accept us because of our good works. Our BEST is like filthy rags in His sight.  But, He graciously accepts us – though we don't deserve it – because we belong to His dearly beloved Son.  God is so boundlessly pleased with Jesus that in Him He is altogether well pleased with us." Accepted in the Beloved means that God loves us in spite of our failures.  That gives me hope.


Mystery Dream Kit by Xuxper Designs

Mystery Dream Overlays  by Xuxper Designs

Mystery Dream Accents  by Xuxper Designs 

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