
Monday, October 14, 2024

ATC Collection 23


He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things.  Psalm 107:9  October 2, 2024


Bring Me Comfort Digital Scrapbooking Kit by Lynn Grieveson


They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.  Acts 14:22  October 3, 2024


Bring Me Comfort Digital Scrapbooking Kit by Lynn Grieveson


Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.  Colossians 3:12  October 4, 2024

When we see someone who need encouragement or help in some way, we need to acknowledge that need and take the opportunity to show the love of Christ to that person because “we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”  Ephesians 2:10


Grand Entrance  by Lynne Anzelc


Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again.  It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.  John 4:14  October 5, 2024


ArtPlay Palette Splash by Anna Aspnes


Whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.  What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.  Philippians 3:7-8  October 6, 2024

Fame, fortune, prestige, honor…..none of these is worth having if it means not having Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior!


Dreams Are Free Digital Scrapbooking Mixed Media Elements  by Lynn Grieveson

Dreams Are Free Digital Scrapbooking Messy Paper Pack by Lynn Grieveson


Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be strong.  1 Corinthians 16:13   October 7, 2024


She's Got Grit Elements  by Vicki Stegall

She's Got Grit Grunge Papers  by Vicki Stegall


Just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.  Matthew 7:20  October 8, 2024


Still Life Painting by Lynne Anzelc


Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.  Philippians 4:8  October 9, 2024

I consider when you “fix” your thoughts…..its like focusing in on something with your camera to keep your subject in the viewing frame.   Definition:  in·dulge /inˈdəlj/ verb - allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.


Still Life Painting by Lynne Anzelc


When we sin, we have an Advocate who pleads our case before the Father.  He is Jesus Christ, the One who is truly righteous.  He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins - and not only our sins but the sins of the world.  1 John 2:1-2  October 10, 2024


And Justice For All Mega Kit by ADB Designs  

Friday, October 11, 2024

Embraced by Love Art Journal Challenge

Embraced by Love

Done for Week 2 Art Journal Challenge found here:  

Embrace /ĕm-brās′/ intransitive verb

To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection.  To surround or enclose.  To include or contain as part of something broader. 

(The American Heritage® Dictionary)

I always said that I would probably never marry again if anything happened to Tim.  But, little did I know, God had other plans.  When Mark and I had our first date the day before Father’s Day, I didn’t want to tell the kids since their dad had been gone less than a year.  When I did finally tell them, the two older kids were fine with it, but the younger two, not so much.  But, it didn’t take long for them to warm up to Mark and now they are quite OK with their step-dad!  And the grandkids are fine with their step-grandpa, too!  It doesn’t mean that we don’t miss Tim, but everyone has embraced Mark with love!  Even the in-laws have embraced Mark…Tim’s mom told me that she believed Tim would be just fine with knowing Mark was taking good care of me!


Mystery Dream Kit by Xuxper Designs

Mystery Dream Overlays  by Xuxper Designs

Mystery Dream Accents  by Xuxper Designs

Photo is mine 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Embraced by Grace Art Journal Page

Embraced by Grace

Done for the Art Journal Challenge Week 1 found here: 

Acceptance: To embrace is to accept someone or something wholeheartedly, flaws and all. It speaks to the idea of welcoming someone into your life without reservation, often signifying emotional warmth and unconditional support.  This is exactly what God did for me!  Thank You, Lord!

Journaling reads:  God chose me to be His child.  I did not, nor would I have ever chosen Him in my sin.  So being embraced by His grace is extra special because I know I don’t deserve His love.  Because of His embrace, because of His grace, I have been “accepted in the beloved.”  God doesn't accept us because of our good works. Our BEST is like filthy rags in His sight.  But, He graciously accepts us – though we don't deserve it – because we belong to His dearly beloved Son.  God is so boundlessly pleased with Jesus that in Him He is altogether well pleased with us." Accepted in the Beloved means that God loves us in spite of our failures.  That gives me hope.


Mystery Dream Kit by Xuxper Designs

Mystery Dream Overlays  by Xuxper Designs

Mystery Dream Accents  by Xuxper Designs 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Playing Catch-Up

I didn't realize I had gotten so far behind in posting my pages here!  So, let's catch up!

These pages are from last month.

Each Moment

Done for the Quote It Challenge #7 found here: 

Journaling reads:  Each moment of the year has it's own beauty. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

In this moment, the weather is beautiful!  Earlier today we had tons of rain from Helene.  With the rain we had electricity flickering, internet was out, we were under a tornado watch until 6 p.m.  Thank You, Lord, for Your protection!  9/27/24


September 2024 Color Play.  Buy the kit or the individual pieces and mix and match with the other designers.
Worth It Digital Scrapbook Kit by Vicki Stegall

Worth It Digital Scrapbook Elements by Vicki Stegall
Worth It Digital Scrapbook Papers by Vicki Stegall

Focus on Time With God Daily!

Done for the September Art Journaling Challenge Week 4 found here: 

Benefits of Christian Meditation from Kathryn Blowers

Stress less and find peace.  Is that even possible?  YES!  With God, all things are possible!

Benefit #1: A few dedicated minutes of focus and prayer each day can change your mindset for the entire day.  “Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.”  Romans 15:4

Benefit #2: Christian meditation can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

God’s Word is a message of peace and hope.  Meditation can be a daily reminder that God is in control of the future, and his plans are always good.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:6-7  “I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.”  Psalm 34:4

Benefit #3: Christian meditation can help combat sadness or grief.   This life is full of sorrows. Following Jesus does not mean an easy life. On the contrary, Jesus said that his followers would have many troubles.  “Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’”  Matthew 11:28-30  “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”  Psalm 34:18

Benefit #4: Christian meditation can help guard you against sin.

Have you ever caught your mind wandering to places it shouldn’t go? Are there any habits you know are bad for you, but you can’t help going back to? Sometimes, it’s not enough to simply tell yourself you won’t do it again. Sometimes, you need to replace destructive habits with constructive ones. 

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”  Joshua 1:8  “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”  Philippians 4:8  “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”  Proverbs 4:23

Benefit #5: Practicing Christian meditation can help build other healthy habits of spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness.  God loves every part of you, from your body to your soul. In order to be fully present and living the abundant life that Jesus promised, you must attend to every part. Meditation helps you slow down (a physical benefit), draw close to our heavenly Father (a spiritual benefit), and hear His words of love and peace to you (an emotional benefit).

When you make a habit of meditating daily on God’s Word, you’ll strengthen more than your faith; it is a way to check in with yourself and with God. Practice finding a quiet place to reflect and ask yourself how you’re doing physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. What can you be thankful for today? What’s weighing on your heart? How is the Holy Spirit speaking to you?  As you take time to reflect inwardly, you make room for the Holy Spirit to work in your heart. You begin to rely more on God as a constant practice, leading you to make other wise decisions in how you live out every aspect of your life.

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and with all your strength [your entire being]. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be [written] on your heart and mind.”  Deuteronomy 6:5-6

It takes time…..But it is time well-spent!


Time Heals by Vicki Robinson

Time Heals Add-on (journal page) could not find in the store
Time Heals 01 Transparent Page Borders
Time Heals 01 Transfers + Stamps
Time Heals 01 Mini Kit

Or get this collection here:
Time Heals Collection

Font used for journaling is Jenifa Regular (main journaling) and Honduro Regular 

September Month in Review


Finally, the weather has least at night and in the mornings.  So, when it isn’t raining we can enjoy some time around the fire pit.  9-5-24

Mark cut the bushes down from the front of the house because the eaves were continually being clogged from the leaves.  What a difference!  9/2/24

Not much motivation to walk.  I just need to make myself DO IT!  And the weather has been yucky, too.  Hopefully the rains will move out soon!  9/3/24

I love listening to the chatter of the chick-a-dees.  They don’t waste any time coming and going around the feeder.  9/4/24

This hawk was either seeing it’s reflection in the back window of the Durango or seeing something interesting moving that he tried to get but couldn’t.  9/8/24

As we traveled to Boone, NC to pick up Ilene from the Widows’ Retreat, we saw the trees beginning to change in the mountains.  9/13/24

What a beautiful bird!  I’m pretty sure this is a red-tailed hawk.  9/14/24


The trees in our back yard are beginning to show some color change!  9/16/24

The neighbor’s knockout roses on a rainy morning  Beautiful!  9/16/24

The beautiful sun setting and the rays of the sun shining as we headed to church Wednesday.  9/18/24

Mark runs Piper through the woods on our trails and the neighbor’s trails.  This is the water hole she likes to frequent to cool off after a hard run!  9/20/24

Time for the squirrels to bury their food!  9/22/24

Ilene and her cousin, Jo were able to come to our chicken stew.  They had to leave earlier.  Jo’s husband was coming to pick her up on Sunday.  9/28/24

We gathered in the woods at the fire pits for chicken stew with our good friends and family.  Ilene and Jo left earlier.  9/28/24

Our pastor and beloved pastor friend, Dale Wallace, took some supplies to the hurricane victims in western NC.  9/30/24


All by Anna Aspnes

MonthReview Template Album No 8

ArtPlay Palette Ambages 

Ambages WordART Mix No 1 

Photos are mine

Now for October business!  I am hosting the Poems & Lyrics Challenge #2 this month.

I cannot believe how quickly this year is passing on by!  It is Autumn here in the United States, so I have chosen a poem with that theme for our challenge this month.  

The poem I have chosen has a special meaning to me… pastor at the church I attended in the 80’s and 90’s read this poem every Autumn.  It was his welcome to the changing of the seasons.  If I had to guess, I think Autumn was his favorite time of the year…and it is my favorite time of the year, too.  

I love the beautiful colors of the changing leaves.  I love the cooler weather after a long, hot and humid summer.  I love watching the leaves swirl and tumble to the ground.  I love walking through the woods and hearing the rustling of the leaves as they gather on the path.  I love sitting by a crackling fire at our pits in the woods, wrapped and snuggling in a warm sweater.  Maybe I’ll try to write a poem about my love of Autumn sometime!  

But for now…..your challenge, should you choose to accept it (and I really hope you do!) is to pick ONE and ONLY ONE…..WORD, PHRASE, or SENTENCE from the poem and scrap it in any fashion you choose!  You can add additional journaling if you wish, or incorporate your chosen WORD, PHRASE, or SENTENCE into your journaling. You can change it into word art.  You can use it as your title.  You can use a photo…or not.  The choice is yours!  I can’t wait to see what inspiration you gain from this poem!

Here is the poem….(It describes the glories of life on the farm during the cool, crisp days of autumn, and the harvest season.)

When the Frost is on the Punkin

By James Whitcomb Riley

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock,

And you hear the kyouck and gobble of the struttin’ turkey-cock,

And the clackin’ of the guineys, and the cluckin’ of the hens,

And the rooster’s hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;

O, it’s then’s the times a feller is a-feelin’ at his best,

With the risin’ sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,

As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.

They’s something kindo’ harty-like about the atmusfere

When the heat of summer’s over and the coolin’ fall is here—

Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees,

And the mumble of the hummin’-birds and buzzin’ of the bees;

But the air’s so appetizin’; and the landscape through the haze

Of a crisp and sunny morning of the airly autumn days

Is a pictur’ that no painter has the colorin’ to mock—

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock.

The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,

And the raspin’ of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;

The stubble in the furries—kindo’ lonesome-like, but still

A-preachin’ sermuns to us of the barns they growed to fill;

The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;

The hosses in theyr stalls below—the clover over-head!—

O, it sets my hart a-clickin’ like the tickin’ of a clock,

When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!

Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps

Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;

And your cider-makin’ ’s over, and your wimmern-folks is through

With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too! ...

I don’t know how to tell it—but ef sich a thing could be

As the Angels wantin’ boardin’, and they’d call around on me

I’d want to ’commodate ’em—all the whole-indurin’ flock—
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder’s in the shock!  


Version 2

When the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder is in the shock (shack),

And you hear the coyote and gobble of the strutting turkey-cock (tom turkey),

And the clacking of the guineas, and the clucking of the hens,

And the rooster’s hallelujah as he tiptoes on the fence;

O, it’s then the times a fellow is feeling at his best,

With the rising sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,

As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,

When the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder is in the shock.

There is something kind of hearty-like about the atmosphere

When the heat of summer’s over and the cooling fall is here—

Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossoms on the trees,

And the mumble of the hummingbirds and buzzing of the bees;

But the air is so appetizing; and the landscape through the haze

Of a crisp and sunny morning of the early autumn days

Is a picture that no painter has the coloring to mock—

When the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder is in the shock.

The husky, rusty rustle of the tassels of the corn,

And the rasping of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;

The stubble in the fields—kind of lonesome-like, but still

Are preaching sermons to us of the barns they grew to fill;

The straw stack in the meadow, and the reaper in the shed;

The horses in their stalls below—the clover overhead!—

O, it sets my heart to clicking like the ticking of a clock,

When the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder is in the shock!

Then your apples are all gathered, and the ones a fellow keeps

Are poured around the cellar floor in red and yellow heaps;

And your cider-making is over, and your women-folk are through

With their mince and apple butter, and their souse and sausage, too! ...

I don’t know how to tell it—but if such a thing could be

As the Angels wanting boarding, and they’d call around on me

I’d want to accommodate them—all the whole endearing flock—
When the frost is on the pumpkin and the fodder is in the shock! 

My Example

Frost is on the Pumpkin

Done for the Poems & Lyrics Challenge #2 found here: 


The Great Pumpkin {Blended Papers} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Mixed Media Bits} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Edges} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Stamps} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Alphas} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Papers} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Elements} by Mixed Media by Erin 

The Great Pumpkin {Page Kit} by Mixed Media by Erin (includes {Papers} and {Elements}

OR get everything above in the Bundle:

The Great Pumpkin {Collection Bundle} by Mixed Media by Erin 

Photo is from Public Domain Pictures dot net

October Eves

Done for the Collaborations Challenge #1 found here: 

Listen! the wind is rising, 

and the air is wild with leaves, 
We have had our summer evenings, 

now for October eves! 
—Humbert Wolfe (1886-1940)


Autumn Magic OScraps Collab

Pixabay photo by Kyraxys

ATC Collection #22


The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.  Psalm 34:18  September 23, 2024


Color Crush 77 (girls) by Joyful Heart Designs


I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 3:14  September 24, 2024


Dictionary Art Sports 01 by Karen Schulz


The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.  Do not forsake the work of Your hands.  Psalm 138:8  September 25, 2024

This verse reminds me that the Lord is the Potter and I am the clay, being molded from a useless clump of dirt into a beautiful thing for His purpose!


Endless Wonders  by Lynne Anzelc

Romancing the Stone Kit  by Lynne Anzelc


You must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.  They will either acquit you or condemn you.  Matthew 12:36-37  September 26, 2024

This really makes me stop and think…I know too many of my words are idle words, thoughtless words, vain words that don’t encourage others and only serve to condemn me.  I must do better!  Ultimately, I am only accountable to God!


By the Morning Light Kit  by Lynne Anzelc


Can you fathom the mysteries of God?  Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?  They are higher than the heavens above - what can you do?  They are deeper than the depths below - what can you know?  Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea.  Job 11:7-9  September 27, 2024


Catherine Digital Art Kit  by Foxey Squirrel


For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then My faithful love for you will remain.  My covenant of blessing (referring to the promise of the Messiah, Jesus Christ) will never be broken, says the Lord.  Isaiah 54:10  September 28, 2024

I pondered the devastation created by Helene in the mountains in western NC as I read this verse. I pictured the mountains moving and the hills sliding down from the force of the muddy water, taking with it houses, businesses, vehicles…..and human lives.  My finite mind cannot even begin to comprehend the workings of our infinite God, nor do I try to.  I can only trust that He knows His plan from the beginning to the end and that all things will work out for the good of those who love Him…..according to His good will and pleasure.  But my heart goes out to all of those who suffered loss in the storm.


ArtPlay Palette Mountain High by Anna Aspnes


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Hebrews 13:8  September 29, 2024

We are to be different from the world.  We are to strive to be more like our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!


God is with you (Full kit)  by Mediterranka Design


Learn to do good.  Seek justice.  Help the oppressed.  Defend the cause of orphans.  Fight for the rights of widows.  Isaiah 1:17  September 30, 2024


52 Inspirations 2019 No 03 Be Kind by Idgie's Heartsong 

Be Kind | Mixed Media Kit by Rachel Jefferies 


If you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar.  Go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.  Matthew 5:23-24  October 1, 2024


I'm So Sorry Solids by Wendy Page Designs 

I'm So Sorry Clusters by Wendy Page Designs 

OK!  I think I'm up-to-date now!  Join us at OScraps for this month's challenges!  HERE